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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *prīs-
Meaning: to saw, break in two
Old Greek: prī́ō, aor. prī̂sai̯, pass. eprī́sthēn (~ -i-), pf. m. péprīsmai̯ (~ -i-), va. prīstó- (~ - i-) `sägen; trepanieren', odóntas prī́ẹ̄n `mit den Zähnen knirschen'; prs. conj. priōi̯, ft. priōsei, pf. ptc. pepriōméno-, va. a-, dia-príōto- `sägen'; prī́ōn, -onos m. `Säge', prī̂sma n. `das Gesägte, Sägespäne', prī̃si-s f. `das Sägen etc.', prī́stǟ-s, f. prī̂sti-s m. vs. f. `Säger(i)n, Säge'; delph., epidaur. priōsi-s f., príōma = prī̂sma Hsch.
Albanian: priš `verderbe, zerbreche, zerstöre'
Russ. meaning: перепиливать, переламывать
References: WP II 89
Proto-IE: *probh-
Meaning: good, remarkable
Old Indian: prabhú- `excelling, mighty, powerful'
Latin: probus, -a `gut, tüchtig, brav'
Russ. meaning: хороший, выдающийся
References: WH
Comments: An apparent compound *pro+bhū- (see #2061 *bhū-)
Proto-IE: *prost- (-sth-)
Meaning: plain, flat
Old Indian: prastha- m.n. `table-land on top of a mountain; plain'
Slavic: *prostъ(jь)
Baltic: *prast-a- adj.
Celtic: *hross-
Russ. meaning: равнина, ровный
References: WP II 603 f
Comments: Possibly < *pro-sth-o- (see *stā-)
Proto-IE: *prōw-
Meaning: right; judge, master
Slavic: *prā́vъ(jь), *prā́vo, *prā́vьdā
Germanic: *fraw-, *frau-ja- m.; *fraw-an- m., *frau-jan- m.; *frūw-ō, *fraw-ō f.
Latin: prōvincia f. `Herrschaftsbereich; Provinz'
Russ. meaning: правый; судья, господин
References: WP II 29 f
Comments: Differently in Vasm.
Proto-IE: *prs-
Meaning: leek
Old Greek: práso-n n. `Lauch, Allium porrum'
Latin: porrum n., porrus, -ī m. `Lauch'
Russ. meaning: растение (лук-порей)
References: WP II 84
Proto-IE: *psabh-
Meaning: sand, gravel
Old Greek: psámmo-s f. (/m.), psámmǟ f. `Sand', psǟ̂pho-s f. `Steinchen, Kiesel'
Latin: sabulum, -ī n. `Sand, Kies', sabulō, -ōnis m. `Kies'
Russ. meaning: песок, щебень
References: WH
Proto-IE: *psak- / -e- (-kh-)
Meaning: drop
Old Greek: psakás, ion., hell. psekás, -ádos f. `Tropfen, bes. Regentropfen', coll. `Sprühregen'
Baltic: *spak-a- c.
Celtic: OIr gl. sachilli `saudaria = sudaria'
Russ. meaning: капля
References: WP II 652
Proto-IE: *pster(w)-
Meaning: to sneeze
Armenian: phrrngam, phrrnčhem `niese'
Old Greek: ptárnümai̯, ptái̯rō, ptéi̯rō, ptéromai̯, aor. ptarẹ̄̂n `niesen', ptarmó-s m., ptóro-s m. `das Niesen'
Latin: sternuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtum `niesen'
Celtic: *strew- > OIr sreod `das Niesen'; Cymr ystrew, trew `niesen', ystrewi, trewi id., MBret streuyaff `niesen', Bret strefgia `niesen'
Russ. meaning: чихать
References: WP II 101
Proto-IE: *pubh-
Meaning: man
Old Indian: púmān (acc. púmāṁsam, voc. púmaḥ, gen. puṁsáḥ) `man'
Latin: pūbēs, gen. -eris `mannbar, männlich, erwachsen'; pl. pūbēs m. `Erwachsene', pūbēs, -is f. `mannbare Mannschaft, Volk; Mannbarkeit, Scham'
Russ. meaning: мужчина
References: WP II 83
Proto-IE: *pue-r/n-, *pwō- <PIH *-Hʷ->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: fire
Hittite: pahhur (Friedrich 154)
Tokharian: A por, B pūwar 'fire' (PT *puwār) (Adams 392)
Armenian: hur, gen. hroy `Feuer'; hnoch `Ofen'
Old Greek: pǖ̂r, gen. pürós n.; pü̆ǖ̆r by "distraction" Simon. 599 codd. Hdn.Gr. `Feuer' (the quoted often form pǘir "exist" as a bookish phantasy only!!!), pl. pürá n. `Wachtfeuer'; pürǟ́ `Feuerstätte, Scheiterhaufen', püretó-s m. `brennende Hitze, Fieber'
Slavic: *pɨ̄rь, *pɨ̄rīnā: Czech pyř glühende Asche, Slovak pyrina, Pol pyrzyna ds.
Baltic: *pan-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *fō-n (*fu-n-), *fu-n-an- m.; *fū-r-a- m., *fui-r-a- m., *fū-r-ia- n. (~ -iu-)
Other Italic: Umbr pir 'Feuer', acc. purom-e 'ins Feuer'; Osk aasaí purasiaí 'in ara igniaria'
Russ. meaning: огонь
References: WP II 14 b
Comments: Ir ūr `Feuer' n'existe point!!!
Proto-IE: *pug(')-
Meaning: fist
Old Greek: pǘks `fäustlings, im Faustkampf', {pǘks = pügmḗ Hsch. - not found!}, pǘktǟ-s m., püg-mákho-s m. `Faustkämpfer', pügmǟ́ f. `Faust, Faustkampf; Längenmass (vom Ellbogen bis zu den Knöcheln)', pügṓn, -ónos m. `Längenmass (die Weute vom Ellbogen biz zum ersten Fingerlenk)'
Latin: pugil, gen. -is m. `Fauskämpfer', pūgnus, -ī m. `Faust', pūgna f. `(Faust)kampf, Kampf Mann gegen Ma nn', pugillus m. `Handvoll'
Russ. meaning: кулак
References: WP II 15
Proto-IE: *puk(')- ?
Meaning: fox
Old Greek: pl. phoûai = alṓpekes Hsch. < *pusā̆ < *pukjā̆ - if this form is Laconian one, then -s- > -0-, cf. Lacon. phoûiks = phǘsiŋks Hsch.; perhaps also ph- < *p- because of the medial *-h-.
Germanic: *fúx-ōn- f.; *fux-s-a- m., *fōx-s-a- m.
Russ. meaning: зверек (лиса)
References: WP II 79 f, Adams 352.
Comments: Differently in Pok. The comparison with Tokh B pako 'tail' is doubtful.
Proto-IE: *pul-
Meaning: body-hair, beard
Old Indian: pula- m., pulaka- m. `horripilation, erection or bristling of the hairs of the body', {pulartí- m. schlichtes Haupthaar tragend }
Old Greek: *pǘliŋg-: pl. pǘliŋg-es `hair about the posteriors; curls' Hsch.
Celtic: Gall Triulatti VN "Μακροπώγονες" ?; OIr ulcha `Bart', ulfota `langbärtig', Ulaid `die Ulsterleutee' (< *Uluti)
Russ. meaning: волосы на теле, борода
References: WP II 84
Proto-IE: *pun-
Meaning: hollow (in the egg), anus
Old Greek: pǘnnos = ho prōktós Hsch. (LS Suppl.267); {pünniáinein = peraínein, hōs arrénōn - not found!}; pouniázdein = paidikoîs khrē̂isthai, poúnion gàr ho daktǘlios Hsch., pünniázdō id. Hsch.
Baltic: *pūn-iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: полость (в яйце), anus
References: Fraenkel 666
Proto-IE: *pur(w)-
Meaning: dirt, marsh
Old Indian: púrīṣa- n. 'crumbling or loose earth, rubbish; feces, excrement, ordure'
Baltic: *pur̃w-a- c., -iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: грязь, болото
References: Fraenkel 675
Proto-IE: *pū-
Meaning: to rot; pus
Old Indian: pū́yati `to become foul or putrid, stink'; pū́ya- m., n. `pus', pū́ti- `putrid, stinking', m. `purulent matter, pus'
Avestan: puyeiti `wird faul'; pūtay- `Fauligwerden, Verwesung'
Armenian: hu `eitriges Blut'
Old Greek: pǖ́thō, aor. pǖ̂sai̯ (/pǘsai̯) `verfaulen machen, vermodern lassen', pǖ́thomai̯ `faulen, verwesen'; pǘo-n, pǘos n. `Eiter'; ? pǖó-s m. `Biestmilch, erste Muttermilch', pǘo-n n. `id.', pǘas n., pǘar, -atos `id.'
Baltic: *pū̂- (1) vb. intr., *pū̃-j-a- adj., *pū̂-l-ia- c., *peû-l-a-/*peũ-l-a- c., *puw-u- adj.
Germanic: *fau-ja- vb., *fūw-a- vb., *fū-l-a- adj., *fau-s-k-a- adj., *fáu-s-a- adj., *fau-z-á- adj.; *fauz-iōn- f., *fū-k-an- m., *fū-n-ī(n-) f., *fū-jan- m.
Latin: pūs, pūris f. `Eiter', pūtēre `faulen', pūtidus, -a `faul', puter, -tris `faul, morsch'
Celtic: MIr othrach `Misthaufen'
Russ. meaning: гнить
References: WP II 81
Proto-IE: *pūg-, *pung-
Meaning: swelling
Old Indian: puñja- m. `heap, mass, quantity'; pūga- m. `assemblage, multitude, mass'
Slavic: *pǭgɨ̄, gen. -ъve пуговица
Baltic: *pan̂g-ā̂ f. (1), *pan̂g-a- (1) c.
Russ. meaning: вздутие
References: WP II 79 f
Proto-IE: *pūl-
Meaning: heap, lump
Old Indian: pūla- m., pūlaka- m. `bunch, bundle'
Slavic: *pūljā
Baltic: *pūl-ia- c., *pūl-iā̃, *pūl-ō̂- vb.
Russ. meaning: куча, ком
References: WP II 79 f
Proto-IE: *pūp-
Meaning: swelling
Baltic: *pū̃p-ōl-a- c., *pū̂p-ō̂l-iā̃ f.; *pup-a- c., *pup-ā̂ f., *pup-el-iā̃ f., *pupu-ur-a- c., -ō̂l-iā̃ f., -ul-iac.
Latin: pūpus, -ī m. `Knäbchen', pūpa f. `Puppe; Mädchen'
Celtic: *puptu-s > Ir ucht `Brust'
Russ. meaning: пуговица, сосок груди и т. п.
References: WP II 79 f
Proto-IE: *pūr-
Meaning: wheat, spelt; couch-grass
Old Indian: pūra- m. `a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil', pūrikā f. `a sort of cake'
Old Greek: pǖró-s, pl. pǖró-i̯, dor. spǖró-s `Weizenkorn, Weizen'; pǖrḗn, -ē̂nos m. `Obst-, Fruchtkern'
Slavic: *pɨ̄́ro, *pɨ̄́rā, *pɨ̄́rъ, *pɨ̄́rь, *pɨ̄rьjь `пырей; полба'
Baltic: *pū̃r-a-, -ia- c.
Germanic: ? *fúr-s-a- m.
Russ. meaning: растение (злак - пшеница; пырей)
References: WP II 83
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